Celebrating Worcester's Tercentenary

Tercentenary LogoThe Chapel and Choir are proud to be taking part in several special events as part of this tercentenary year for Worcester College.


The Mixed Choir will be recording a CD of music by Worcester College’s composers, directed by former Organ Scholar Thomas Allery.  Worcester College is proud of its commitment to new music, and has been the home of many composers, both Fellows and students of the college.  This recording will feature music by former Fellows Edmund Rubbra, Kenneth Leighton and Robert Sherlaw Johnson, alongside current Fellow and Tutor in Music, Robert Saxton.  Music by former students of the college, including that of Thomas Hyde (also a current college lecturer), Deborah Pritchard, Stephen Oliver and William McKie, will also be featured.  The recording sessions will take place in April, and the disc will be available to purchase from the early Summer.

Tercentenary Concert at St John’s Smith Square

Nicholas_Cleobury_4The Mixed Choir, augmented by alumnus members and under the baton of former Organ Scholar Nicholas Cleobury, will perform a very special tercentenary concert in St John’s Smith Square, London on Friday 2nd May. Cleobury will direct performances of Haydn’s Nelson Mass and Handel’s Dixit Dominus.  The choir will be accompanied by Charivari Agréable (“One of the classiest baroque bands” – The Observer) and the solos will be sung by former members of the college choir who now enjoy professional careers.  In addition, the current Mixed Choir will perform music by Robert Saxton and Deborah Pritchard.

Tickets on sale from 17th March, via the St John’s Smith Square box office.

Tercentenary Evensong Series

We will also celebrate Worcester College’s composers by performing their music in the context of Choral Evensong, as part of the Mixed Choir’s weekly round of services.  This occasional series will begin on Monday 10th February, where music by Drakeford and Prichard will be performed, and will continue throughout the year.  All are very welcome to these services, which will be advertised through our Facebook and Twitter pages and this website.

‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’ – Hilary Term Concert

The Mixed Choir will perform a selection of music by Worcester College composers in concert on Saturday 8th March at 7.30pm in the chapel.  To include music by Saxton, Sherlaw Johnson, Leighton, Rubbra, Hyde, Pritchard, Oliver, McKie and Pickard-Cambridge.

Tickets (£5/£1) are available by emailing tickets@worcesterchapel.co.uk or on the door.