Events this term

Please check back soon for details of special events in Michaelmas 2024.



Events in Trinity Term 2024

Preachers this term:

First week (21 April)                 The Chaplain

Second week (28 April)             The Revd Claire Jones, Old Member; Associate Vicar, Emmanuel Church, Woodley

Third week (5 May)                  The Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley, Old Member & Honorary Fellow; Bishop of Newcastle

Fourth week (12 May)               The Revd Damian Howard SJ, Senior Catholic Chaplain to the University

Fifth week (19 May)                  The Revd Augustine Tanner-Ihm, Lead Minister, St Nicholas’, Kingsway, Manchester

Sixth week (26 May)                 The Assistant Chaplain

Seventh week (2 June)               The Revd Simon Ponsonby, Pastor of Theology, St Aldates Church, Oxford

Eighth week (9 June)                 The Chaplain


This term’s charity: Oxfordshire Mind

Our Sunday collection this term is for Oxfordshire Mind, our local mental health charity, which promotes good mental health through the provision of high-quality services and campaigning for positive change.

Choral Reflection: Words of Comfort

This term our Choral Reflections (Mondays at 6 pm) dwell with seven passages from the prophet Isaiah which offer ‘words of comfort’ for all. The aim of this weekly service is to provide a more reflective space, shaping our thoughts and prayers through music, words and silence. All are welcome to any or all of these services.

Chapel Supper

Following Choral Reflection in weeks 1, 3, and 6, everyone who attends the service is invited to join with us and enjoy a (free!) supper in the Memorial Room.


This meditative, chanted service is chanted every Wednesday of the year at 9 pm. In term time, it is followed by port and hot chocolate in the Chaplain’s room. All are welcome.


Special events this term

Music and Readings for Easter

Easter Sunday fell during our vacation: so come and celebrate the great festival of Christ’s Resurrection in Chapel on Sunday of 1st week (21 April) when, at Evensong, the Paschal Candle (which reminds us of Jesus, the Light of the World) will be blessed and dedicated, the Choir will sing beautiful seasonal music, and the Chaplain with remind us why this Easter story of life and love and hope remains vital for us today. As always, drinks will follow in the Cloisters.


Choral and Organ Awards Open Day

The Chapel will welcome prospective applicants for choral and organ scholarships at a special Evensong on Saturday of 1st week (27 April) at 6 pm.

Ascension Day

There will be a service of Holy Communion for Ascension Day at 6 pm on Thursday of 3rd week (9 May)

Roman Catholic Mass in College

We are delighted that our friends from the University Catholic Chaplaincy come to chapel each term, with one of their Chaplains saying mass. This term this service takes place on Monday of 5th week at 6 pm. All welcome.

Holy Communion for Corpus Christi

We will celebrate the institution of Holy Communion with a special service on Thursday of 6th week (30 May).

Leavers’ Evensong

All who are leaving College this summer are invited to come to a special Evensong on Sunday of 8th week (10 June). This will be a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for what has been, and to pray for all that is to come.

Music by the Lake

The Choir will present a concert of light music by the Lakeside on Monday of 8th week (11 June) at 6 pm. Details to follow.

End of Term Concert

The Choir will give an end of term concert on Thursday of 8th week (14 June) at 6 pm.

Choir Tour to Florence (and Rome), 2-8 July

The College Choir is delighted to announce it will be singing in Florence at the beginning of July. If anyone fancies spending a week in Italy, encouraging the choir as we sing, we’d love to see you there! Tour itineraries will be available soon. If any Old Members or friends would like to support the choir financially in any way as we seek to reach the target of £18,000 needed for our tour, please contact the Chaplain.