
The Chaplain

Originally from Lancashire, the Revd Marcus Green arrived in Oxford as a student in the mid-80s and read History at Merton and theology at Wycliffe Hall, before being ordained into the Church in Wales. As far as he knows, he was the first member of his family ever to go to university or get ordained.

He is passionate about worship in the Christian community, particularly music in worship, and has led choirs, orchestras, contemporary worship groups and even jazz bands in different church settings. His first book, Salvation’s Song, is a theology of the cross as worship.

More recently, both nationally and especially within Oxford Diocese, Marcus has been a prominent voice calling for LGBTQ+ equality within the Church. Simply put, he believes that every person is equal and equally loved by God. His second book, The Possibility of Difference, a biblical affirmation of such inclusion, is published by Kevin Mayhew.

Marcus shares his house with a large and (too) friendly Springer Spaniel called Harry, skis badly, is part of the Red half of Manchester, loves opera, runs a community swing band, once won the Weakest Link, and has been known to go to Italy just for the ice cream.

The Chaplain’s email is

The Assistant Chaplain

The Revd Dr Matthew Cheung Salisbury supports the work of the Chaplaincy, including all aspects of Chapel life. He is happy to meet and talk to everyone in College at any time.

Matthew’s academic background is in music and liturgy, in both historical and contemporary contexts. An old member of Worcester and one of its lecturers in Music, Matthew’s recent projects include a book of essays on worship and dementia; articles and essays on liturgical participation, and (in progress) the first English edition of the conferences of Blessed Christian de Chergé. Matthew is also National Liturgical Adviser to the Church of England.

The Assistant Chaplain’s email is

The Director of Music

Mr Caius Lee read Music and was Organ Scholar at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, during which time he founded the Florence International Singing Programme. Since 2019, he has been a trustee for Awards for Young Musicians, supporting talented young musicians from low-income families. He has worked with choirs, festivals and played solo recitals in Europe, Asia and South America. Returning to the Diocese of Leeds in 2021 as a Choral Director, Caius has been leading choirs again in his native Bradford. His passion for community engagement and choral excellence has recently been recognised with a Royal Society of Arts Fellowship (FRSA).

The Director of Music’s email is

Organ Scholars

Mr Benedict King