Trinity Term 2013

The upcoming term consists of many exciting events, alongside the regular services that will take place in the Chapel.  We begin the term with an Evensong for prospective Choral and Organ Scholars as part of the University-wide Open Day on Saturday 20th April.  The following day, the Mixed Choir will sing the first service of the term, with a sermon from the Chaplain.

On 1st May, the Mixed Choir will combine with the choirs of Merton and The Queen’s Colleges in a service at the University Church of St Mary-the-Virgin.  The choirs will perform music by Benjamin Britten, with Stephen Shipley, Senior Producer at BBC Radio 4 in Religion and Ethics, delivering a sermon on the theme of ‘Britten’s God’.

On 15th May, the college confirmation service will take place, as we welcome the Bishop of Oxford to confirm members of college.  The following day, we welcome the choir of St Peter’s College to join with us for Evensong.

To conclude the term, the Combined Choirs will perform a concert at 5.30pm on Saturday 8th June, with refreshments served afterwards.  On Thursday 13th June, the Mixed Choir will visit Broughton Church to sing Evensong (5.30pm) and perform a concert (7.30pm).  All welcome.

In addition to these special events, the choirs sing services each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday and some Mondays.

Regular service schedule

Music list

Further details of Special Events

Preachers at College Evensong this term