Tenor Choral Scholar Vacancy

The chapel choir of Worcester College has a vacancy for a tenor choral scholar. Duties include singing for the four choral services in the college chapel each week during the university term time, under the direction of the Director of Chapel music, Thomas Allery.

Worcester College chapel is unique maintaining two choirs who sing the services throughout the week. Choral scholars sing as part of the choir of boys and men, and as part of a mixed choir of around 20 voices.

Services take place on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

In addition to its duties in the chapel, the choirs of Worcester College undertakes regular external projects and performances. The choirs tour regularly (recently to Germany, Italy and France), and make regular BBC broadcasts and CD recordings. This summer the choir will be performing in South Italy.

Choral scholars at Worcester College receive numerous perks and renumeration. In addition to a stipend, choral scholars are entitled to singing lessons throughout the year, regular workshops with experts, and free meals in college after every service.

Some experience of choral singing is required, as well as the ability to sight read.

The director of chapel music, Thomas Allery, is happy to receive enquiries about membership of the choir at any time. Please email him on thomas.allery@worc.ox.ac.uk for further details and to arrange an informal audition.