Schools’ Week 2017

The mixed choir was pleased to host another schools’ week in chapel last week. The chapel choirs of Haileybury College and Bromsgrove School came to college to sing evensongs on Monday May 8th and Thursday May 11th respectively.

Following its success last year, this is part of the chapel’s continuing commitment to creating links with school choirs. Each school arrived in the afternoon at Worcester College for a tour of the college grounds, a short talk about the chapel’s design, tea, rehearsal and service. The experience allows school pupils to get a feel for what it is like to sing in a college chapel choir for the day. Each choir had just an hour to put the music together for the service before singing to supporters and parents.

Haileybury School sang Stanford’s Evening Canticles in G and Wesley’s Easter anthem ‘Blessed be the God and Father’.

Bromsgrove School has a particularly special link to Worcester College in that its founder, Sir Thomas Cookes also founded Worcester College. The College is particularly pleased to recreate a link to the school through music and the combined choirs enjoyed singing a selection of music with links to Worcester College, Bromsgrove School, or the county of Worcestershire:

Matthew Martin – Te Lucis ante terminum

Herbert Murill’s Canticles in E

Sir Elgar Elgar – Great is the Lord


Thank you to both schools, pupils, staff, and parents for your support and for joining in our worship.